The Medical Care system
The medical care system in Scotland means the National Health Services (NHS). They provide about 98% of the healthcare in the UK[3] and are reactive in nature. This means that the staff is trained to deal with crises as they arise rather than employing preventative measures to reduce the number of unplanned admissions. Along with this, the NHS has the mandate to treat illness, not to improve health[3]. This being said, about 3% of the NHS budget is spent on preventive measures.
It is a system that has necessary funds but severely lacks manpower. The root cause of this is that it relies heavily on doctors and other professionals trained in other countries.[4] This, along with Covid and Brexit is the main reason for reduced manpower. Due to this, the workload is usually high and the work environment is stressful - making it the primary reason for not frequently taking preventive measures based on future projections of illnesses.[4]
Health and Wellbeing
The Health and well-being of people consist of a multitude of social factors; 
- Jobs & Employment Status
- Human Rights
- Food
- Homes and Shelter - Empowerment
- Mental Health
- Public Health
- Education
Most health is lost outside the healthcare setting, which means that these factors can lead to deteriorating health and affect certain dormant illnesses and aggravate them.

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